The Decisions You Make Have the Power to Change Your Life and the People You Lead.

Activate Coaching is a highly powerful, leveraged one-on-one relationship that empowers you to achieve optimum health through the foundation of the Gospel through scripture.

How Does Activate Coaching Work?


Evaluate your current circumstances. After all, in order to get where you’re going you have to know where you are.


Motivate your overall optimum health through the word of God, a compelling vision, and the acknowledgement of the power of the Holy Spirit.


Activate your ideas through encouragement and accountability all the way to implementation, propelling your life, leadership and organization to optimum health.

In just one year you will have five crystal clear vision statements with actionable steps to achieving excellence.

Through Activate Coaching, you will build your Activate Plan. There are five foundational areas of health in which every person needs to achieve optimum performance. Hidden in these 5 health plans are pitfalls, hurts and obstacles to overcome. We call these the “Distractions of a Disciple.” Coaching will help you overcome these distractions. You will cast a strong vision for these 5 areas
of health and these will form your Activate Plan.

The 5 Health Pillars